Above: Cecily gasps for air as Antoinette chokes her and twists
her arm. The blonde's body is tense with agony as the pressure
is unrelentingly applied. Right: The French woman writhes in
agony across the rug as she tries to free herself from Cecily's
torturous leg twisting. Antoinette has a hold on the blonde's
long hair, but she's too weak to pull with any force. Cecily's
face reveals her cruel satisfaction and lust for true dominance.

Two Canadian spitfires prove
apartment house wrestling will
soon sweep the globe, providing
erotic spectacle for the world's elite



THE RIDE FROM MID-TOWN MANHATTAN to Kennedy International Airport seemed to take forever. when the long, sleek limousine pulled up to hangar marked "PRIVATE", Dave Moll breathed a sigh of relief. the apartment house impressario boarded the private Lockheed Jetstar he had borrowed from one of his wealthy friends. The excitement in him kept getting higher and higher.
    The jet took off from New york and headed straight for Montreal, 500 miles to the north. An hour later, he had passed through Canadian customs, and caught a taxi to the large, international exhibit, "Man and His World."
Once inside the gates, he asked to be dropped off at "Habitat,"
a huge, modernistic apartment comples, where only the most wealthy of Montreals's residents could live. He rode in the ele-
vator to the top floor of the
odd-looking edifice, and en-
tered the apartment of one of his friends who had just recently moved to Canada's largest city.
    "Thank goodness you got here," Dave's friend told him. "We've been waiting for you, so we could start. It wouldn't be real apartment house wrestling without you in attendance."
    Dave's friend, a wealthy playboy   who   was   on the
board of directors of a large paper manufacturing company, had moved to Montreal a few months
before to be closer to the firm's paper mills. Although Montreal is a large, cosmoplolitan city, it did not have any apartment house wrestling, which was his favorite spectator sport. Heretofore the sport had only been practiced among the wealthy elite in New York and Los Angelos. Now Dave's friend was determined to make it international.
    When Dave heard of his friend's plan, he caught the first plane to Montreal -- in this case, his neighbor's private jet. Dave was just as excited as his friend about the expansion of the sport he had started a few years back.
    All the imported, exotic furniture in the modernistic apartment was pushed to one side, leaving a large open area
for the two girls to grapple. Thirty members of Montreals's elite were assembled to witness the maiden match of Canadian apartment house wrestling.
    After Dave found a seat in the middle of the crowd, a hush fell over the plush penthouse. Conversations in French and English ceased, and the two girls who had been carefully selected to initiate the sport's international premiere entered the room.
    First Antoinette, a voluptuous brunette French-Canadian, made her entrance. The members of the audience could not believe their eyes. Her beauty was bedazzling. Then the blonde-haired, blue-eyed Cecily appeared. The amazed audience was
I  N  T  E  R  N  A  T  I  O  N  A  L   !
